![]() On January 27, 2021, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam gave Bhava Samadhi Darshan of Dakshinamurthy. This means that we all had the opportunity to experience the profound silence, teachings, healings and blessings that this deity bestows on all beings. Dakshinamurthy sits under the sacred Banyon Tree of the Dhyanapeetham Bidadi Campus, Bangaluru, India and all residents of the campus have the opportunity to spend as much time in the sacredness of the Banyon tree and with Dakshinamurthy as they desire. I have stayed at the Bidadi Campus many times and it was a daily ritual for me to walk to the Banyon Tree and connect with the ancient river of energy flowing within her, then to climb the base on which Dakshinamurthy sits and gaze at Dakshinamurthy face to face. It was known to me that He would answer prayers, listen to complaints, and radiate stillness and peacefulness. In 2009, my daughter and I were staying at the Bidadi Campus for 3 months for the Life Bliss Engineering Program. At the end of the program there was an opportunity to go on a yatra with Swamiji to Haridwar, the site of the 2010 Purna Kumbh Mela. My daughter and I had signed up to go and, as I had missed the Allahabhad (Prayag) Ardh Kumbh Mela in 2007, I was super excited.
However, no one could foresee the ugly turn of events events that occurred at the Ashram on March 1, 2010. In late February Swamiji started going into intense samadhi. At some point it was decided that the Kumbh Mela yatra was cancelled. Honestly, after spending three months in the ashram I I was ready to go home and see Saskia and Brian. However, I had a feeling that Asha would request to travel to the Kumbh Mela anyway. On the day the cancellation of the yatra was announced, I ran all the way to the Banyon Tree as fast as I could. It felt imperative that I see Dakshinamurthy and request/pray that Asha would not ask to go to the Kumbh Mela. In retrospect, I wonder what my panic was. Anyway, I got to the Banyon tree then climbed on the mound, and receiving the Darshan of Dakshinamurthy, put in my request to not go to Kumbh Mela in Haridwar. I had no sooner verbalized the request then someone also ran to the tree, stating that I had a phone call waiting up at the registration office. I ran back and it was Brian on the phone. He said while he knew the yatra was cancelled, he felt it was an opportunity of a lifetime for Asha and I to go to the Kumbh Mela. I was just silent. I couldn't believe the synchronicity of the phone call. With the opposite answer to my prayer - or so it seemed. I have no doubt that my prayer was answered. And Asha and I did travel; from Bangalore to Kanyakumari, north to Delhi and onward to Haridwar to the Purna Kumbh Mela that was visited by an estimated 40 million people that year. Back to Delhi, then Agra, Vrindavan, Varanaasi, Bodha Gaya, and finally Patna before leaving. India - my love. I praise and salute that Dakshinamurthy, Who faces the south, Who explains the true nature of the supreme Brahman, Through his state of silence, Who is young in looks, Who is surrounded by disciples who are old Sages, Whose minds are fixed on Brahman, Who is the greatest of teachers, Who shows the Chinmudhra[1] by his hand, Who is personification of happiness, Who is in the state of extreme joy within himself, And who has a smiling face. Uma Mohan - Dakshinaamoorthy Sthothram https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIjz79ZUTck Comments are closed.
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